Hello my prayin' friends!
I've got something exciting to tell you but I want to roll out a personal genuinely heart-felt invitation to you first:
We now have the Prayer Clinic Virtual Open House online so that you can learn more about the Prayer Clinic ministry from the comfort and flexible convenience of your own home.
If you want to discover how to get your church praying...
If you want to mobilize the people of your church to pray...
If you want to teach your people to pray...
If you want to connect with other prayer leaders via zoom for encouragement, insight and growth...
If you want to experience God answer prayers in a way that makes His power and His love undeniable...
And we can show you how. Just participate in the Virtual Open House here, OR plan to come to middle Tennessee, spend a great weekend in the beautiful historical town of Franklin, and join us on a Sunday morning for our next In-person Open...
We are so excited to be sharing our Prayer Clinic Virtual Open House!
If you've been following me for very long you know that I am passionate about prayer. I'm even more passionate about mobilizing your church to pray.
As a leader in the ministry of prayer, I know what it's like to sincerely believe that when we pray, God answers. I also know what it's like to try to convince my brothers and sisters in the faith that this is true.
I know how it feels to plan a prayer meeting hoping for a great turnout, and ending up with a faithful few. I've been the only one to show up to pray in the prayer room.
But I also know how easy it is to never find myself in those places again. I've discovered ways to get our people praying and I've also discovered it's not that hard to do! And I'm eager to show you how you can get your people praying too.
The Prayer Clinic ministry is the new and improved version of the church's intercessory prayer ministry. Instead of a rolodex we...
The following blog post was first published in 2017 when I taught Teach My Heart to Pray for the first time at Thompson Station Church. I invited participants to ask me their questions regarding prayer. I've added a few new questions and answers to that original post.
Teach My Heart to Pray is a 4-session study on prayer that is designed to teach Christ- followers how to make the most of the amazing privilege we've been given to approach God's throne of grace with bold confidence that results in experiencing God's power working in and through our lives in the world today.
It's also the recruiting plan for creating dynamic intercessory prayer teams that staff Prayer Clinics. You can learn more and order Teach My Heart to Pray HERE.
Here are the answers to some really great questions on prayer:
Every conversation with the Lord is considered a...
Now that you've got your prayer point persons in your small groups, mobilize them to pray for people who are lost.
Challenge your prayer point people to share this super easy method of praying for their lost friends and neighbors.
First, quote or read Ecclesiastes 4:9-12...
“Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their efforts. For if either falls, his companion can lift him up; but pity the one who falls without another to lift him up. Also, if two lie down together, they can keep warm; but how can one person alone keep warm? And if someone overpowers one person, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not easily broken.” – Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 (CSB)
Even Solomon knew that a 3-cord relationship was stronger than one or two. I've found that the most practical benefit of prayer triplets is that when 1 can't come, 2 can still get together. And if/when 1 or even 2 might be discouraged there is still 1 (or 2) who aren't. We...
Before you can influence the people in your church's small groups you need to build a relationship with a prayer point person in each group. Read on for simple step-by-step instructions on how to do just that.
If we want to change what goes on in our small groups, we will first need to connect with the leaders of the groups. The best way to reach your small group leaders is through the pastor on staff who leads them.
If you don't have a pastor on staff who leads them, make sure your pastor knows that you want to reach out to them and tell him what you're up to.
"Pastor, I want to help mobilize our people to pray in their small groups, and I'd like to start by connecting with our small group leaders. One of our primary goals for this year is to get our people actively praying for those who are lost. Would you be good with me reaching out to...
We call them all sorts of things. They used to be "Sunday School." Then we decided to offer them at other times throughout the week and we wanted people to know they were welcome to come, so we called them Connect Groups, or Life Groups, or House Groups or ... it's not important what we call them, it's important that we participate in them!
At our church we encourage ALL our members to connect in a Life Group. For we tell them that they will grow the most in their faith when they do life together with other believers.
Our small group ministries are the lifeline of our churches.
When people get out of the auditorium and into a group, they become more than a spectator--they become a participant. It's like moving from the student section in the football stadium to the sidelines and exchanging your team colored sweatshirts with the uniform itself.
We live out our faith as disciples of Jesus in small groups.
And this is why I'm committed this year to bring PRAYER to life in...
What a great time we had yesterday at our first Prayer Clinic Open House at Thompson Station Church in Thompson Station, TN.
We have been enjoying a dynamic prayer ministry at our church for many years. And the heartbeat of this ministry is the Prayer Clinic. With a team of 27 men and women, our Prayer Clinic team serves the body of Christ by praying and staying with people until God answers their prayers. We count ourselves most blessed because we get to carry our peoples' heart cries to a God who hears and answers us when we pray.
At yesterday's open house 6 guests joined us from 3 different churches in 3 different states. Our guests participated with the Prayer Clinic team during our first worship service where they got to pray together and learn more about how we pray with people when they come to the Clinic for prayer.
Then they joined us in our 2nd service where my husband Tom and I delivered a message that we called "Unburdened by Unleashing the Power of Prayer in the...
We get together in our church buildings for a lot of different reasons.
We get together to read and discuss the Bible.
We get together to plan mission trips and ministry projects.
We get together to worship.
We get together to play! (My grandchildren especially enjoy this kind of getting together.)
And, we get together to pray.
Oh, wait--do we do that?
Do you?
If you were to take a pie chart and fill in all the space that you get together at your church building specifically for prayer--how much of your pie would you fill in?
A sliver?
A solid piece?
Most of the plate?
When Jesus mentioned that He wanted His house to be a house of prayer (Matthew 21:13), it seems to me that He thought that the main thing we'd be doing at church would be praying.
After all, the main thing they serve at Chick Fil A is chicken and so it makes sense that if Jesus said His house would be called a house of prayer the main thing we should be doing at church is praying.
The fact that we don't...
This is a quick update for my personal community, but this one time you are welcome to read on...
Throughout my years of ministry I've had one agenda and this is it:
I want to teach you to pray in such a way that you experience God's presence and His power in your life daily.
And, I want to do that same thing for your church.
To do this, I'm relaunching my leighannmccoy.com website SOON... (like hours and minutes not days and months soon). When the website is up and running you will be the first to know!
I'm also podcasting this month on a subject that is not discussed enough. I'm going to address the crisis of faith in our young adult children who are declaring their freedom from the bondage of their Christian upbringing as they "deconstruct their faith."
This is a subject that is raw for me. If you've got kids you'd like to give a piece of your mind for Christmas, you can let me do it for you by simply sharing the podcast with them. We will send you an email each week when...
Don't think for one minute that prayer has been banned from our schools. The great thing about prayer is that you can do it anywhere at anytime without anyone knowing it!
So when the government decided to take prayer out of our public schools, they simply couldn't do it! If we were privy to God's ears I've no doubt we'd hear countless prayers wafting heavenward from teachers, students, administrators, custodial staff, lunchroom personnel, volunteers and even bus drivers!
And aren't we glad God made prayer to work in such a powerful and undercover way? I want to share with you 3 amazing prayer ministries that impact our kids academic worlds. These ministries make our job easy, for they not only encourage students and parents to pray but they also provide the resources!
This past week I had the privilege of interviewing Sally Burke who is president of Moms in Prayer, International. WHAT A DELIGHT! I can't wait for you to get to...
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