Ever had a good idea that turned out to be bad?

Aug 13, 2019

 Let’s talk about a couple women we meet in Genesis, and see what they have to teach us about FACE time with God (and one another). 

For fun, I’ve given these women a “face” for our story. Sarai (pronounced S’rI) will be played by...


 --Elizabeth Taylor. 


  And Hagar, Sarai’s Egyptian handmaiden will be played by...


--Ava Gardner.


These two women, according to Google, represent two of the prettiest faces in the world! 

Think about faces...why are faces important? 

 I’ve heard someone say, “the eyes are the window into the soul.” 

And I think I agree with them. When I think of the people I love, I don’t think about their feet, or their hands, or any other part of their bodies. When I think about the people I love, the picture that comes to my mind is that of their faces. And when I think of their faces, I’m not deciding whether or not they...

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