What on Earth is Spiritual Authority

Season #1

Spiritual warfare and prayer are the same thing. When you pray you are doing battle. And when you go to battle on your knees, you're going to win! How do I know that? Because you've got the power! God's given you spiritual authority to win every battle that comes your way. In this episode Leighann explains what spiritual authority is and how we can know the victory is ours. 

Check out Leighann's books on spiritual warfare:

Spiritual Warfare for Women 

Spiritual Warfare for Your Family

And this blogpost: https://www.leighannmccoy.com/blog/spiritual-authority-and-how-to-use-it-part-1 

You might also enjoy this blogpost Leighann mentions about praising the God you need: https://www.happyhealthyandprosperous.com/why-you-should-always-start-with-praise/ 



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